Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Books vs. Internet articles

When students are asked to write a paper, they are required to gather information about their topic. To gather information, the students either use the Internet or books. The Internet is very easy to acces, and it is flooded with information. However, the problem with the internet is that there is some information that might not be accurate, or that it might even be completely wrong. Students have no way of knowing if the information is accurate because they expect it to be accurate. As a result, the students insert misleading information into their papers which end up receiving a disappointing grade.

The other source of information that students such as myself use come from books. The information found in books has a much higher chancwe of being accurate than the information found on the Internet. The author took years to write his book, therefore he spender a great deal of time gathering information to write it. The author of an Internet article might have taken less then five minutes to write it because he did not want to spend to much time one it.writing a book takes dedication, therefore the informTion found in a book has to be accurate. I am not trying to persuade anyone into believing that the internet is useless, I am simply stating that you need to be carrel about there you acquire your information from the Internet because some of it. May not be accurate or even correct.